

Belonging to Life….

Medicine Womyn 2024 Summer Retreat

*August 30-September 1st, 2024

Located at Camp Hochelaga, South Hero VT



You are invited to join us for our 13th bi-annual Medicine Womyn Retreat. Spend your weekend fully immersed in Nature and Sacred Sisterhood, located on 30 acres of gorgeous Abenaki land, at Camp Hochelaga on Lake Champlain in South Hero, VT. This is our longest retreat we have offered yet and during our 3 potent days together we will be diving deep into the exploration of all kinds of magickal womyn’s mysteries.

Spend your days participating in various healing ceremonies and unique workshops and classes. Enjoy free time swimming, paddle boarding or kayaking right off our private beachfront. Honor your creative spirit with nature based art and crafts, natural plant dyes or simply by relaxing with other like minded womxn. Honor your inner Wild Womyn with Archery, Ax throwing, dancing, howling, drumming & singing fireside.

Spiral within and explore the sacred medicine wheel, flirt with your relationship to self and pleasure. Dance deeply and rejoice in ceremony with soulful community and breathe fully into your personal fire. Glean new insights and awaken forgotten wisdoms through guided practices supporting your deepest Vitality!

There will be a marketplace filled with amazing female Artisans with all kinds of creations to share, as well as Healers and Oracles to connect with during your days spent with us. Sleep sweetly in one of the sweet off-grid cabins, waking up to gentle movement offerings, meditation, breathwork, sound healing classes and so much more….

As always Katie Baas and Lucky Star Catering will be on site to nourish us with healing teas, organic and local delicious meals and snacks throughout the weekend.

We invite you to come and take a break from the busy pace of everyday life, soak up the last bits of summer and connect with us.

We believe that when Womyn RISE UP, we lift everyone around us!

Come Nourish your Sacred Well with us!

(**Please note, we have a strict no refund policy, sorry for any inconvenience**)